Extraction of teeth (wisdom)molars

tandarts Jordaan, tandarts, tandarts Wolvenstraat, tandarts Amsterdam, Amsterdam

Extraction of teeth (wisdom)molars

The extraction of teeth, molars, and wisdom teeth can be advised by one of the dentists for various reasons.in some cases it is adviced for remedy or to prevent problems. When there are other options to prevent a problem in the mouth the dentist will discuss this with you ofcourse.

The treatment

We start the treatment with anesthetics. It is important that you don’t feel a thing of this treatment. The treatment will take about 30 minutes. The duration of the appointment may differ. This depends on how difficult it is to remove the tooth. 

In some cases we refer you tot he hospital so that an oral surgeon can extract the tooth. We do this when we think the extraction will bet o complicated and it is therefore better to have it done by a specialist.

What can you expact?

The anesthetic wears off about 2/3 hours after the treatment. After that you could feel a little pain. This can last for about 4 to 5 days. To kill the pain you can take Paracetamol and/or Ibuprofen. We advice you to read the prescription before use. If the pain persists for longer, please feel free to contact us. 

The wound

After extracting a tooth, the dentist will place a gauze on the wound where you have to press on with your teeth by closing your mouth for 30 minutes. This creates a blood clot that helps the wound heal. On the day of the treatment, don’t rinse the area to allow the blood to clot properly. The day after you can gently brush the area with a soft toothbrush and rinse with Chlorehexidine (available at the drugstore).


Bleeding after treatment

During the first couple of days after the treatment, the blood clot may turn the saliva red, which could seem to look like the wound is bleeding. However, this is rarely the case. When there is a bleeding, there is more blood than saliva in the mout hand if this happens we advice you to bite on an gauze for 30 minutes. Do you still have the idea that it’s an after-bleed? Feel free to give us a call or schedule an appointment!

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‘My 9 year old daughter had to have a number of molars extracted because her permenant teeth did not come through by it self. She was very nervous about the treatment. Fortunately, the team at Dental Practice Wolvenstraat was able to put her at ease so well that she is no longer afraid at all.’

Margot Bosch

tandarts Jordaan, tandarts, tandarts Wolvenstraat, tandarts Amsterdam, Amsterdam

Eating and drinking

We advice you not to drink or eat very warm drinks and food untill the anesthetic has been elaborated. Otherwise there is a risk of bruning or biting your cheeck/tongue without you noticing it After that you can eat or drink carefully again. We recommend that you don’t smoke or drink alcohol for at least a week after the treatment, as this will promote the healing of the wound.


Children up tot he age of 18 are insured and this treatment is covered at both dentist and the oral surgeon (in the hospital). If you have additional insurance for the dentist, the extraction of the tooth is often partially or full reimbushed. If you have to go to a oral surgeon to get your tooth extracted the treatment is reimbushed from the basic insurance. This will first be deducted from your own risk. 

Do you want to know if this treatment is reimbushed by your insurance? Ask them if the cover H-codes. The prices of H-codes can you find here.

More information or plan an appointment

Are you interested in this treatment? Contact us by clicking on the contact form below or call us at 0206279229. We’re happy to help you or, if you wish, book an appointment with one of our dentists.

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Important! Even if you have supplementary insurance, it varies by insurance whether the code, which the treatment stands for, is reimbursed.

Check that first or ask your dentist or dental hygienist.

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